
WBHIRA : West Bengal Housing Industry Regulation Act

      The West Bengal Government has finally adopt its own Real Estate regulation act, i.e.  West Bengal Housing Industry Regulation Act (WBHIRA) on 01/06/2018 where official Gazette ahs been published on 17/10/2017.

              The act is coming for regulating  real-estate and housing sector and keep transparency to sell, buy etc in real estate sector and protect buyer interest. 

In organization setup of WBHIRA, there is a Chairperson,  followed him/her a Secretary and Deputy Secretary are there. and also a legal officer , an finance officer are in setup.  

              In WBHIRA the online application is continuing for enlisted the real estate project, real estate agent & also complaint.  

             Registration of Real Estate Project with the Housing Industry Regulatory Authority is compulsory under section 3 of the West Bengal Housing Industry Act,2017.

(Source :



  1. Tuhin Kumar Chatterjee

    How to file a complain ?

  2. Bhaktipada Manna

    I am Bhaktipada Manna ,bearing Agent ID- 010172 DT.14.11.18 &deposit amount Rs.25,000.00 DT.16.11.18.But still now my payment pending.Pls.quarry my problem.
    (I am as an individual Agent).

    • Deal4Property

      Hello Sir, Please contact WBHIRA Authority Contact no 033-2416-0606.

  3. rajendra kumar shahi

    sir i am rajendra kumar shahi working as aproperty agent want register with wbhira,how can i do and what document need for registratio of wbhira in indivisual name, pl do the needfull as soon as posible

    • Deal4Property

      “Real Estate Agent” means any person, who negotiates or acts on behalf of one person in a transaction of transfer of his plot, apartment or building, as the case may be, in a real estate project, by way of sale, with another person or transfer of plot, apartment or building, as the case may be, of any other person to him and receives remuneration or fees or any other charges for his services whether as commission or otherwise and includes a person who introduces, through any medium , prospective buyers and sellers to each other for negotiation for sale or purchase of plot, apartment or building, as the case may be, and includes property dealers, brokers, middlemen by whatever name called;
      Registration of real estate agents.– (1) No real estate agent shall facilitate the sale or purchase of or act on behalf of any person to facilitate the sale or purchase of any plot, apartment or building, as the case may be, in a real estate project or part of it, is the part of the real estate project registered under section 3, without obtaining registration under this section.
      (2) Every real estate agent shall make an application to the Authority for registration in such form, manner, within such time and accompanied by such fee and documents as may be prescribed-
      (3) The Authority shall, within such period, in such manner and upon satisfying itself of the fulfilment of such conditions, as may be prescribed-
      (a) grant a single registration to the real estate agent for the entire State, as the case may be;
      (b) reject the application for reasons to be recorded in writing, if such application does not conform to the provisions of this Act or the rules or regulations made thereunder:
      Provided that no application shall be rejected unless the applicant has been given an opportunity of being heard in the matter.
      (4) Whereon the completion of the period specified under sub-section (3), if the applicant does not receive any communication about the deficiencies in his application or the rejection of his application, he shall be deemed to have been registered.
      (5) Every real estate agent who is registered as per the provisions of this Act or the rules and regulations made thereunder shall be granted a registration number by the Authority, which shall be quoted by the real estate agent in every sale facilitated by him under this Act.
      (6) Every registration shall be valid for such period as may be prescribed and shall be renewable for a period in such manner and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed.
      (7) Where any real estate agent who has been granted registration under this Act commits breach of any of the conditions thereof or any other terms and conditions specified under this Act or any rules or regulations made thereunder, or where the Authority is satisfied that such registration has been secured by the real estate agent through misrepresentation or fraud, the Authority may, without prejudice to any other provisions under this Act, revoke the registration or suspend the same for such period as it thinks fit:
      Provided that no such revocation or suspension shall be made by the Authority unless an opportunity of being heard has been given to the real estate agent.
      Helpful Link:

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